What Burning Man Taught Me About Following My Joy
"Choose intimacy," my new friend Mark said to me, as we stood outside a geodesic dome at Anahasana Village at Burning Man. "There are a thousand things you could be doing at any moment at the Burn," he continued. "Pick the one thing that'

5 Lessons Nomadic Travel Taught Me About How to Spend My Energy
One year ago, my wife Candace and I started traveling the world as nomads, with just a carry-on and a small backpack each. It'd been both a dream and fear of mine for a while. I dreamt of the freedom — an opportunity of a lifetime to create an

Following the Call
Tomorrow, I'll be flying to Tanzania to scale Kilimanjaro. It'll be the most epic and physically challenging feat that I've ever attempted. When I decided to do this trip a few weeks ago, I didn't know why I was doing it. I&